Kraft paper bag
細號 無底咭 S. size: W210 X H270 X 110 (風琴, gusset) mm 120克/g (300個/箱, pcs/ctn) (編號:RGH3212711 合裝2杯飲品 No bottom card, for 2 cups of drink)
標準款 Std. size: W260 X H260 X 140 (風琴, gusset) mm (250個/箱, pcs/ctn) (編號:RGH332614)
Foodpanda款 M. size: W290 X H310 X 170 (風琴, gusset) mm (200個/箱, pcs/ctn) (編號:RGH3291731)
Deliveroo款 L. size: W330 X H330 X 160 (風琴, gusset) mm (200個/箱, pcs/ctn) (編號:RGH333316 )
特闊款 XL. size: W340 X H240 X 220 (風琴, gusset) mm (200個/箱, pcs/ctn) (編號:RGH342422 )
備有現貨大、中、細碼以供選購,尺碼參考 Deliveroo (戶戶送) 紙袋、Foodpanda 紙袋,適合飲食行業使用(外賣紙袋)。其他尺寸、厚度、紙色、印刷都可以訂做,3000個起承做,量大價低。
In stock with L, M, S size paper bag, bag sizes are referring to Deliveroo bag and Foodpanda bag. It is suitable for most of the F&B use. We can make other bags with customized thickness, size, paper color and printing. MOQ from 3000pcs. Lower price at large quantity.
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產品資訊 Product information:
All kraft paper bags are made by imported 140gsm kraft paper & with bottom paper card*, these enabled the bags can carry max. 8lb (3.6kg) weight, and maybe above.
以上紙手挽均無塑膠成份,符合政府環保法例規定,請放心使用。 These paper bags are all plastic free. They all can comply with the government's ordinance.
*除細號袋 except small size
外賣紙盒批發 / 即棄紙餐盒 /外賣餐盒 / 環保餐具 / 外賣紙盒 / 一次性餐具 / 外賣餐具 / 即棄餐具 / 一次性餐具 / 外賣盒 / 快餐盒 / 外賣包裝 / 免洗餐具 / 餐盒 / 牛皮紙袋 / 紙袋訂製 / 訂製紙袋 / 定造紙袋 / 外賣袋 / 環保紙袋 / 訂做紙袋